Via della Vite 41, 00187
+39 06 772 50 136
+39 06 770 70 449
Rende (CS)
Corso Italia 215, 87036
programma Re.Tes.

Reengineering of Treasury Procedures

From 1 January 2025, the Re.Tes. program – reengineering of Treasury procedures – became officially operational, aiming to simplify and optimize the procedures of the State Treasury.

Re.Tes. is a complex project requested and launched by the Bank of Italy, which saw PC Cube play the role of technological partner to agree on the development lines and subsequent implementation. The objective of Re.Tes. is to respond to the growing demand for the digitalization of procedures, to strengthen the data processing system and to streamline the processes of the State Treasury. A project that will have a concrete impact at a national level and that will significantly streamline many of the processes involving local authorities, tax agencies, INPS, Poste Italiane, CDP and the entire banking system.

The involvement and success of the project is an important success for us, which we will tell you about in more detail in this article.

State Treasury

In Italy, the body responsible for carrying out the treasury function for the State is the Bank of Italy: it manages the incoming and outgoing payments of local administrations, reports transactions to the Court of Auditors together with the “judicial account” of its management and informs public bodies about transactions.

These are just some of the functions carried out by the Bank of Italy, but they are sufficient to understand the level of importance of the State Treasury on a national scale, being the regulatory body of a whole series of economic transactions that are fundamental for the correct management of the entire state structure.

An extremely complex network of connections that carries out millions of transactions every year, which correspond to enormous figures and above all to which the correct payment of salaries, pensions and many high wages is connected.

The State Treasury therefore requires a maximum level of effectiveness of its systems, which however must correspond to an equally high level of security, having to fundamentally manage the money of our State. In this context, over the last thirty years or so, there has been a demand for ever greater digitalization of processes, in order to speed up and streamline many operations (think, for example, of the introduction of electronic transfers, which today represent 99% of transactions) without lowering security standards.


The Treasury procedures reengineering program is therefore the last but important piece of this process of digitalization and efficiency.

In recent years, there has in fact been a request for modernization of technologies, in order to further streamline processes, exploiting the maximum power of existing technologies and the maximum levels of security necessary to introduce innovations in a similar context.

The Re.Tes. program, which we are describing here in a few lines, represents a huge project in terms of complexity and effort, which in fact began approximately four years ago: a period of time, however, necessary and fundamental to guarantee the highest levels of technological efficiency and security.

The fundamental pillars of Re.Tes, as reported on the website, are:

  • Process optimization: introduction of digital and innovative payment tools to simplify operations.
  • Adoption of a single interview protocol: a standardized system to improve interoperability and efficiency between the Treasury and the administrations.
  • Better use of data: broader and more detailed reporting, to support the monitoring of public accounts and resource management.

The central and peripheral administrations of the State, local authorities, tax agencies, INPS, CDP, Poste Italiane S.P.A. and the entire national banking system are involved in the project. Among the main innovations of Re.Tes. we find the merger of the provincial and central treasury sections into a single entity, the State Treasury, and the regulatory revision that favors the use of digital payment tools by renewing the operating methods.

PC Cube

Having contributed to a project of this magnitude and importance is a source of great satisfaction for us, not only from a personal and corporate point of view, but also in the context of our Nation which will benefit from new technologies and very high security standards.

With the Re.Tes. Program, the State Treasury evolves towards a more efficient and technologically advanced system, capable of responding to the needs of a modern and digitalized administration.