150 million fine for Google and Meta
We don’t realize it, but accepting cookies is probably a practice we do repeatedly, several times a day, every day. We certainly accept more cookies than we eat in real life. Cookies are used to profile users, to track their browsing experience: collect data to aggregate them within huge databases and use this information for marketing purposes (mainly) in such a way as to be increasingly technologically precise and accurate at target audience. Cookies are basically the frame of that huge machine that encompasses big data, its use, and the increasingly hazy issue of online privacy.
In fact, it is important to be aware that online privacy must exist, that in a world increasingly dependent on the network, it is essential to have clear ideas on how what happens online is protected.
Using Google instead of other search engines, such as these, which instead do not profile the user but send generic advertising messages, is a choice. of the single individual. Just as it should be a choice to use Google anyway, but choose to disable cookies, in such a way as not to allow the search engine, or the social network on duty, to activate the system that underlies user profiling, as well as the basis of the main business model of search engines and social networks.