Vocal Virtual Assistant: the innovative CRM tool
VVAssistant is a voice assistant that becomes an important CRM tool.
VVAssistant is a virtual voice assistant.
t is not a simple software, but above all is a business link, that can improve the relationship with your customers. It is both a voice assistant and a CRM tool that can be very useful both to our faithful users and to those who may be interested in your products and services, such the so-called prospects.
The relationship between voice assistants and the CRM world.
A voice assistant has many areas of application. In this article, we will deeper study its advantages in the world of customer relationship management. In fact, it is a valid CRM tool based on artificial intelligence, a very useful resource to better define the business offer. The adoption of a voice assistant makes it possible, as a customer care tool, to predict customer behavior and characteristics. Furthermore, the use of the voice provided by the voice assistants allows you to make the most of the potential of the classic chatbot, meeting the needs of each interlocutor and facilitating the searches carried out.
VVAssistant: How does the speechbot work in a CRM perspective?
By integrating the VVAssistant speechbot to digital content, companies and professionals can make customer knowledge easier and more effective. With the progressive web app, the web app and the mobile application that the VVAssistant makes available for companies that want to implement an effective CRM system, it will be possible to store and/or memorize the conversations between user and company / call center, through a stored-history of interactions available at any time.
All this will make it possible to keep track of requests and any problems encountered by those who came-in contact with all the digital contents, from the simplest to the most complex. Furthermore, the speechbot will be able to automate the resolution of the most frequent doubts, directing customers and accompanying them to find the information of their interest, making it a CRM tool suitable for any company.
Through the analysis of small data, VVAssistant is able to recognize which are the most common problems encountered by those who visit your company content, the needs that they manifest and to whom to give a timely response at an ad hoc basis then can be given.
VVAssistant will allow you, as a system to implement an effective CRM strategy, to collect a series of fundamental data and information to improve your business offer, your assistance services, capturing market trends, the needs that should be satisfied and the unsatisfied ones to focus on.
If you want to learn more about the advantages of VVAssistant, the CRM voice assistant, write us at prodotti@pccube.com or info@vassistant.it and we will contact you!