Italy attracts cyber criminals
The cybercrime market has undergone a strong surge in the summer period, some e-commerce of the dark web have in fact recorded large increases in requests concerning our nation in particular.
In addition to the traditional online shops that we now know by heart and that we are used to using every day, there are (illegal) alternatives for cybercriminals who need particular products. The best seller of these stores is data: huge amounts of information collected during data leaks or phishing campaigns that are made available to the highest bidder.
During the summer months there is a notable increase in queries containing the keyword Italy: this means that when a user performs a search to find the desired product, he usually also inserts the word Italy in the search. Therefore, alas, we must register an increase in interest in attacking Italian servers, institutions and software.
Just to give some examples taken directly from the main forums in which users discuss the quality of the products available, as regards the Italian territory, about 40,000 documents related to the Italian railways have been sold, also containing the access data to the platform, and beyond. 100 remote controls of security cameras of a particular circuit. Illegal e-commerce where you can find almost anything if you know how to move. In fact, most of the trading takes place using TOR, software that allows anonymous browsing on the web and that leaves the bad guys quite calm.
For this reason, institutions and companies are investing more and more resources in IT security, threats are actually on the agenda and, in some cases, are even for sale on display on some online website. As for the individual user, however, the advice is not to be superficial with precautions: choose passwords that are always the same, do not periodically update our accounts and ignore two-factor authentication are good habits if we want to facilitate access to our PCs. and our digital life.