The benefits of VVAssistant: the virtual voice assistant for PC – portable computers.
Defined by many as the future of artificial intelligence, voice assistants are increasingly widespread. We are starting to use them in more and more areas of everyday life and to list the benefits: just think of the home automation or automotive field.
The benefits of a voice assistant are a valid support especially for companies and their final customers.VVAssistant fits into this scenery, addressing precisely the entrepreneurial realities that want to facilitate digital interaction with consumers, without burdening its customer assistance services, quite expensive and often insufficient to handle the heavy load of requests for assistance.Vocal Virtual Assistant is a speechbot that integrates non-invasively with digital content, from the easiest to the most complex.
It is available in three different versions: web app, mobile app and progressive web app (PWA), in order to meet the needs of each entrepreneurial reality.Mainly based on voice interaction, thanks to a complex system of Natural Language Processing, VVAssistant also allows you to communicate via text messages, documents, videos and images.It is a real multimedia assistance system, available 24/7 and customizable according to specific needs.
Why integrate VVAssistant to your website or application?
- It will optimize the trust of your most demanding customers and allow you to reach out to new ones, facilitating the customer experience;·
- It will reduce the workload of your call center, allowing the operator to deal only with the most complex issues, always having the history/storage of conversations recorded on the VVAssistant available;·
- It will allow your company to economize, optimizing the economic investments related to call center services;·
- the small data analysis carried out by the speechbot, thanks to the artificial intelligence system on which it is based, will progressively improve the quality of possible interactions with VVAssistant
Economical, versatile, simple to use. VVAssistant is the solution that can help your business in a concrete way. Contact us for an initial free consultation at info@vassistant.it or prodotti@pccube.com or visit the vassistant.it website.
VVAssistant: easier if you ask!