Elon Musk hires a super hacker for Twitter
Elon Musk is certainly a controversial character: many criticize him, many see him as a modern Iron Man; the reality is that the South African entrepreneur has probably now come to have such influence on the world and on the financial markets that the media are forced to do their part to try to keep certain economic balances stable.
We met him for Tesla and Space X, but lately his name has been associated with the Twitter issue, which has provided interesting material to news agencies for months.
Elon Musk has in fact decided to buy Twitter and immediately put his stamp on his new creature: from the dismissal of many managers to the readmission of Donald Trump to the social network, there are many issues that should be analyzed on the new acquisition.
Today, however, we want to talk to you about a particular new enrollment in the Twitter team, the one that concerns the hacker George Hotz.
George Hotz is a hacker known for several particular initiatives of the past, from the iPhone7 jailbreak to the reverse engineering of the Playstation 3, Hotz made himself known by the IT community for his skill and resourcefulness, qualities that had already brought him into contact with Elon Musk in discussion of Tesla driver assistance software.
Elon Musk offered a twelve-week “internship” to Mr. Hotz to be able to improve Twitter’s search functionality and remove the annoying pop-up that follows users not logged in to the platform. A fixed-term contract, which however is far from our internship fees: Hotz has in fact declared that he will be paid $2,000 a week for his contribution to Twitter, for a total of about $25,000.
The idea of hiring a super hacker is certainly particular, but perfectly consistent with Elon Musk’s style: we remain particularly attentive to how the Twitter issue will evolve, there will certainly be other bizarre news that will come out of this particular micro world.