Gender gap and PNRR
The crisis following the COVID-19 pandemic is gradually stabilizing and many sectors are signaling a recovery. The credit for this is certainly the aid to companies at national and European level. Some of these contributions represent not only a chance to avoid bankruptcy, but in several cases they can be a moment of change with respect to situations (pre-covid) that are not too fair and equal.
In fact, there are several categories that, depending on the context, can declare advantages or disadvantages compared to others. Privileges based not on the merit of individuals, but on historical or cultural factors that should gradually give way to a sort of 4.0 ethics.
One of these differences certainly concerns the gender gap, i.e. the wage difference that is registered to the advantage of men. Several researches show that, especially at the highest levels of the corporate hierarchy, the percentage of women compared to men in positions of responsibility is considerably lower, as are wages. In reality, simply considering the difference between men and women we are making progress on a cultural level, the problem is when we compare mothers and men (or mothers and fathers): for many women, motherhood represents a huge brake, if not an insurmountable obstacle, to your career. The graphs showing the wage difference of a mother after childbirth and of a father after the birth of a child are quite merciless: in these cases the so-called gap tends to become a chasm.
We are experiencing a moment in which we have the opportunity to make a change in trend and to project ourselves into a future of reconstruction, not only economic, but above all cultural.
From these assumptions, the Digital Observatory was born to monitor the implementation of PNRR, promoted by the Women 4.0 association at the conference “Women for the digital transition – Skills, heart and courage to activate change”.
The observatory will evaluate a series of KPIs to understand how PNRR aid will be spent, considering the perspective of equal opportunities regardless of gender. A transition that aims to create benefits not only for women and mothers, but also for men and fathers who share the desire to find themselves within a more ethical context, in which we are all treated on the basis of this. that we deserve.
“The PNRR represents an opportunity for Italy to become a modern, sustainable, inclusive, efficient and digital country that can offer prosperity and equity to all its citizens.”